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Friday, April 26, 2024

Basketball: Spinoffs from Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis works to see the world from other perspectives. Why do underdogs succeed or favorites flop? What is something almost nobody pays attention to that is critically important?

For example, "base rates" of mental health problems exist. That occurs for airline pilots, elected officials at the highest levels, and athletes. During medical training, supposedly one-third of physicians have CLINICAL depression. I don't mean "the blues," but illness far more sinister that could impact fitness for duty and judgment. 

  • 23.1% of U.S. adults experienced a mental health condition in 2022
  • 6% of U.S. adults experienced a serious mental health condition in 2022, which is often defined as a psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder or a severe anxiety or eating disorder that significantly impairs functioning
  • In 2022, 32.9% of U.S. adults experienced both a mental health condition and substance abuse

How many athletes have acknowledged problems with mental health (e.g. Kevin Love)? Have you ever encountered athletes or coaches with mental health problems? If so, did you encourage the person to seek help and offer your support? 

As coaches we might be the first to spot mental health changes or substance abuse that can be life-altering for athletes. 

Other areas worth discussing are sleep and recovery. Adequate (increased) sleep improved both athletic and game performance. Many athletes don't actively recover

Pursue holistic coaching.

  • Learning and study habits
  • Resilience training (e.g. mindfulness, sport psychology)
  • Awareness of mental health and substance use
  • Sleep adequacy
  • Active recovery
Lagniappe. Screen-the-screener 

Lagniappe 2. Probably merits a whole piece.  

Lagniappe 3. Practice time is precious. Condition within basketball activities.