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Monday, October 1, 2018

Basketball: Sunday Workout, 2-on-2 Progression

Coaches work in a sharing profession. Periodically, I present approaches that help us. I appreciate it when you share what helps your players and teams. 

We had our final offseason workout today with four players (7th grade girls) available. Although we worked on a variety of skills, I want to highlight "2-on-2 progression." The goal is teaching youngsters how to play, including decision-making. 

This may seem "elementary" for coaches of older players. But even more experienced players vary in fundamental skill and game understanding

We teach proper footwork (front and reverse pivots), with the goal of developing GO TO and COUNTER moves against live defense. Defense usually exposes opportunity to exploit. My assistant coach is also a certified official which helps players understand actions from the official's standpoint. 

The (two) coaches demonstrate some of the 'reads'. We sequence through basic and secondary options. Each player works at both the 'ballhandler' and 'wing', both offensively and defensively. 

The first iteration is the give-and-go. The defender is expected to jump to the ball but be able to react to the back cut. 

The next progression is pick-and-roll. We review expectations and some (not every possible) option. I switch in and intentionally overplay the show (hedge too far, too hard), expecting the screener to slip and the ballhandler to pass. Defensive TALK and CALLS (show, switch, under) are emphasized. We've taught this all summer, but participation varies. 

We then review dribble handoff/dribble at options. Coaches simulate overplay (e.g. read is back cut) and on-ball defense cheating (read is guard crossover drive). 

Finally, we have "dealer's choice", where each pair initiates any action and executes against the defense. 

The improvement was palpable as players began to understand how to play and the importance of passing on time and on target

I greatly appreciate the assistance from Steve Karampalas and the enthusiastic participation of players this offseason.