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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Basketball: Discipline

"Discipline determines destiny." Discipline refines work because it's the right work. Discipline balances laziness and obsession. Discipline is like parenting...hard. 

The disciplined player plans and follows through. The disciplined team prepares, grasps situations, and executes. The disciplined coach leads a program without tyranny. She knows that her actions impact the next ten minutes, ten days, ten months, and ten years. 

Studying tests discipline but learning measures it. 

Shot selection is discipline. Being in position to make a play is discipline. Containing the ball and challenging shots without fouling take discipline. 

Pat Summitt's discipline chapter in Reach for the Summit amplifies:

"Discipline is the internal mechanism that self-motivates you." 

"Nine-tenths of discipline is having the patience to do things right."

"Discipline is what helps you finish a job when you're tired and ready to go home."

"Self-discipline is a matter of how hard you are willing to work when no one is watching." 

"Discipline is all about structure."

"Disciplined people finish the job."

"It is not enough to score. It's part of the scorer's responsibility to finish the job by getting back to the other end of the floor on defense." 

"People who exercise self-discipline have an effect on everyone around them." 

"Being disciplined doesn't always feel good." 

"Life lacks structure. You have to provide it for yourself - and that means learning self-discipline." 

Lagniappe: "The main thing is the main thing." The main thing is basketball, not endorsements, publicity, or The Life.