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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Basketball: Assignment, Define Your Character

Here's an assignment for aspiring coaches or players. Take a blank sheet of paper and divide it into three parts, your progress template.

A. Current role.  B. Desired role. How to get from A to B. 

Trader Dave Landry shares a story about going out with a couple that are bodybuilders. They explain that they're going to become stock traders, buy some software and make their fortune. He scarfs down some shrimp and a beer and they say, "what are you doing?" "I'm training to be a bodybuilder." 

What's your plan? Can you explain it on one page? Are you committed to executing the plan? Do you have the prerequisites, the resources, the support system to make it happen? Do you a timetable for your plan and milestones to hit?

If you’re going into eighth grade, think of it as your redshirt year for high school. When you need help, ask a mentor.

Work on that body. You can run stadium stairs, do sprints, pushups, and jump rope to build your body. 

Work your mind. Ask yourself what you really know. Finding gaps, study. Read, find clinic notes, and video. 

Make free throws. Mix in free throws between aerobic activity. Track your progress. 

Finish. Mikan  and Reverse Mikans, box drills, wing series moves, catch-and-shoot while competing, and play one-on-one with constraints. 

Build your range. Start with the Curry warmup series and track your progress.

“But it’s too much work.” Gregg Popvich says that it’s your job to force the coach to play you. Kevin Eastman advises, “your paycheck is your responsibility.”  It takes nothing to languish on the bench, if you even make the team.

We choose what kind of person, student, athlete, friend, coach, and leader we want to become. When we’re good, we make ourself better. When we’re excellent, we make others better.

Lagniappe: Don’t say, “I wish” or “I might.” Say “I can and I will.” 

Lagniappe 2: Read at least thirty minutes daily and write a brief summary of the enduring message of what you read.

Lagniappe 3: Before bed, write down three items you worked on or achieved today. Write one area that you will work on tomorrow.