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Thursday, February 11, 2021

Basketball: Basketball Art and Beauty, from Koons to Whitman to Your Living Room

Learn across domains is one of my core beliefs. An article, song lyrics, or even a phrase may trigger a question or search for understanding. 

MasterClass, Jeff Koons

"Basketball is life." Extrapolate life from art and art from life

One Ball Total Equilibrium Tank, by Jeff Koons, 1985

What do you see? Let our imagination run. Artist Jeff Koons said, "In this show, I wanted to talk about the act of survival using a material...that underscored the impossibility of maintaining balance between life and death but still having the desire to go for it in life." 

Another article said the piece, "would articulate an uncanny balance between aspirational dreams and existential reality by neither floating to its top nor sinking to its bottom, but hovering perpetually in an ‘ultimate’ state of equilibrium at its centre."

Koons' philosophy is to "practice ACCEPTANCE, remove JUDGMENT," reminding us of Walt Whitman's quote, "Be curious not judgmental, most recently expressed in the Ted Lasso series. 

"Best Coach" 

Every piece won't have existential implications. This shows the centerpiece of my tiny collection of appreciation art. Art adds meaning to our lives. We could see the piece representing execution, gravity holding us earthbound, or a "rock head" coach! Thanks to Natalie. 

At its finest, basketball is art, grace and power. It's extra oxygen in the room. 

Aspire to beautiful basketball

Lagniappe. A coherent presentation on breaking the 1-2-2. The weakness is in the middle and the presenter suggests how to get there (e.g. screening or flashing).

Lagniappe 2. A tip from Coach Dave Smart.

(Image from Dave Smart via Chris Oliver, @BBallImmersion)