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Monday, February 1, 2021

Podcast News: Chris Oliver with Dave Smart (Practice Philosophy)

Chris Oliver's basketball podcast always adds value. I condense concepts both Coach Oliver (CO) and Coach Dave Smart (DS) share. I invest an hour so you can invest less. Find ideas or inspiration to differentiate ourselves positively from others.

(DS) "It's impossible to be special...if you're not having fun." (Redefine fun)

(CO) "Fun is improving...competing...winning."

(DS) "It's a different kind of fun."

(DS) "I want them to be successful THAT MINUTE" (even though they won't)

(DS) "Today was a good step in the process, even with a lot of failure."

(CO) "Every player is in the deep end...they have to find a way to swim."

(DS) "They're thinking outside the box..." (to win the drill) 

(DS) "Not getting too high or too low..." (the hardest thing in his practices...don't be depressed at failure or complacent with success)

(DS) "The closest to selfishness..." (many young players seek exposure and achievement not winning...hard to make it about team)

(DS) "I don't want the elephant in the room." (Talk about the issue...) If the person were the best player in the room and not giving 100%, he will call him out. 

Talented-arrogant, Talented-not arrogant (worker), Less talented-care (key), Cuts (problem is being the teacher for the player who isn't great but thinks they are)

(DS) "Upset with indifference at practice" (expect positive and negative reinforcement of possessions) criticism is of bad decisions, bad shots, not missing a good shot

(CO) "Honest with things that matter" 

(DS) "Our guys defended every possession" (to hang in a National Championship game) that resulted in a win

(DS) Some leaders care so much about the team that others will overlook their flaws. 

(CO) "An important part of coaching is not to be reactionary." 

(DS) "I don't let my players talk to the refs..." (but protects them)

(DS) Reasons for coaching success, "teaching players to own their confidence" although they may still be uncomfortable in a situation.

(DS) How could coaches improve? "Accountability. How do you establish it?" Failure occurs because of a lack of accountability. 

(DS) "I enjoy bad practices." (Because he will find solutions - diagnose and treat.)

How much is too much interruption of practice for correction? (Nobody knows.)

He is looking for shooters to get 250 shots per player per practice, competition based. They have a shooting 'ladder.' Bad shooters get fewer shots. Accountability flows from competition. 

(DS) Competitiveness (a hard skill to incorporate late...after grade six)

(DS) (Practice) "Everybody gets the same amount of reps" (until the end of the year when some starters get LESS )..."everybody has to be respected"

(CO) "You're always able to modify intensity and duration"

(DS) Kids can play five years, players can be more advanced, and guys know their roles all year round 

(DS) "We don't spend a lot of team watching what teams run." (Works on how to defend individuals)

Lagniappe. Paul George film study. How can you be like him?

1) Elite athleticism creates an edge
2) Quick shooter
3) Active hands defensively 

Lagniappe 2. "They don't hand out Olympics medals for great training sessions." (Author argues that mindset varies between practice and competition.) He also discusses simplifying decisions.