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Saturday, June 26, 2021

Basketball: Ten Tips for Young Players

You're young, love the game, and thirst to improve. Be on the lookout for tips. 

1. Be coachable. "Help me, help you." Mentoring is the only shortcut to excellence. Be the person with whom coaches want to work...first at practice, going hard on every rep. Separate yourself with your presence. 

2. Finish plays. Scores, rebounds, assists, steals all finish plays. Players who finish possessions never go out of style. 

3. "Get to your dominant hand when possible." Savants don't discuss "the best off hand finisher ever."

4. Learn to watch video. Transform your "software" (vision). 

5. "Know thyself." Leverage your strengths

6. "Move." Move the ball and yourself. "The ball has energy."

7. Learn to finish off two feet for more control and stability. 

8. "Study your mentor's mentors." - Usher   

Pretend that elite coaches are our mentors. In this article about the Sixers and Brett Brown, they share issues about spacing, getting open for shots, and organization. New Celtics' coach Ime Udoka counts Gregg Popovich, Brown, and Steve Nash as mentors, so pick up tips from them. 

9. Become a "habit stacker." Sequence strong habits - reading/study, exercise, nutrition, practice, and sleep. Habits mean being your best version every day. And remember James Clear's advice, "don't miss twice." 

10. Say "yes." Got an opportunity for individual tutorial, practice, or growth? Take it. "Unrequired work" pays dividends later. Great players do extra. Be the guy. 

  • Say "yes" to opportunity.
  • Be a habit stacker. 
  • Finish possessions.
  • Leverage your strengths.
  • Study your mentor's mentors. 
  • Study video. 
  • Outwork the competition. 
Lagniappe. When asked why he robbed banks, bank robber Willie Sutton answered, "because that's where the money is." Steals (the money) shows when players become complacent and show the ball. 

- Stay in front of your man
- Active hands
- Stay close to your man
- I teach going for steal on the upward phase of the dribble
- Look for your opportunity (you are the mongoose against the cobra) 

Lagniappe 2. Udoka exudes confidence.