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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Basketball: No Excuses for Kyle Maynard

Losers make excuses. We've heard them all. Attribution bias blames field conditions, officiating, fatigue, illness, injury, weather, and more.

But people overcome real adversity. Kyle Maynard (above) was born with congenital amputation, stumps for arms and legs. @KyleMaynard

"On January 15, 2012, Maynard became the first quadruple amputee to climb Mount Kilimanjaro without assistance, by crawling all 19,340 feet in just 10 days."

Maynard's philosophy is simple, "no excuses." "I've always believed that anyone can achieve their dreams, regardless. I've always had this attitude about no excuses." 

He adds, "I had to go through failures in order to learn how to do it." 

“It’s the social skills and communications skills and self-development skills. Kids who have access to that end up excelling throughout their lifetime.”

After some wrestling losses, he vowed never to be pinned.

He first dressed himself at age sixteen...he explained that it took him thirty minutes to put on a sock. "When we start anything, it's really hard at first." Now it takes him a minute to get dressed. 

Focus on what you can do