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Monday, May 11, 2020

Basketball and Buffett: The 25-5 Rule, Think Big and Focus

Almost everyone knows of Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha, an elite investor and thinker in American history.

Buffett shares ideas with enduring value... "Avoiding stupidity is easier than seeking brilliance" and the "25-5 rule." 

The "25-5 rule" advises us to list twenty-five items to pursue and then to narrow the list to five. It revises the idea about putting your eggs into one basket, counseling us to watch that basket with extreme care. It reminds me of David Mamet's counsel that "a man distracted is a man defeated" and Bob Woodward's "FAA," focus and act aggressively.

What five ideas belong as absolutes? Select your spectrum and pick your palette. 

"Basketball is sharing." - Phil Jackson

"We make our habits and our habits make us." We are our craft. Make following good habits easier and bad ones harder. 

"Do more of what works and less of what doesn't." Einstein is attributed, "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." When in a hole, stop digging. 

"Run actions that we find hard to defend." Choose your poison. Pick-and-roll (PnR), give-and-go, staggered screens, screen-the-screener, back cuts, combinations (e.g. zipper into PnR or DHO into a secondary PnR). 

"Movement kills defense." Basketball is a game of movement and separation. 

"Be exceptional at a few things." Don't be a jack of all trades and a master of none;  choose well and master a few. Although Dean Smith had five offenses (Passing Game, one-four, T game, modified Shuffle, and Four Corners), he favored Passing Game. 

"Know your NOs." - Kevin Eastman (Bob Knight's The Power of Negative Thinking extends the concept.)

"Celebrate diversity of people and thought." 

"Good ideas can come from anywhere." 

"The magic is in the work." Nothing works unless we do. 

"Don't spend your time, invest it." Time is the most precious commodity. 

"The game honors toughness." 

"Don't play in the traffic." Remember the wisdom our parent shared. 

"Do the unrequired work." It's the extra that defines the exceptional. 

"Nothing great is ever accomplished without enthusiasm." 

"95%" - Billy Donovan (Be great when you don't have the ball.)

Lagniappe: Brazil (Triple Post) from K.J. Smith

An alternative to Flex-type action 

Lagniappe 2: Via K.J. Smith (CoachTube presentation)...we constantly edit our program. 

Lagniappe 3: "Window concept" from K.J. Smith (screening top guards) to get a '3' from the top of the key. Screener is coming across from the nail (below) 


Same concept but from the wing, opening a 3 or attacking the middle of the zone. The "dunker" can cut across and the weak side corner lifts to have a likely open 3. 

Lagniappe 4: Screening the zone.