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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Quick Hits from MasterClass to Use Daily and What Belongs in Your Sign War?

MasterClass shares expertise from renowned figures to apply in our daily lives. 

"Empathy is not the truth, the reality - it's the other side's point of view." - Chris Voss 

"Look it really feels like you're being generous with your time...the woman changed her tone immediately." - Chris Voss

"People feel safe and protected when they say this a ridiculous idea." A NO often gets more information. "What haven't we thought of." - Voss

"If you say NO, you feel there is no commitment, you can share a lot of information with won't have second thoughts..." - Voss

"Certain things endure - clarity, concision, curiosity, can't have real conversations without honesty." -George Stephanopoulos

"Do you give the good news or the bad news first? I was doing it wrong. 4 out of 5 people prefer to get the bad news first. It shows a preference for RISING SEQUENCES at the end." -Dan Pink

"A pause causes the audience to pay attention...I like punctuating AND with a pause." "Keep the audience the silence, you invite the audience to fill in the blank." -LeVar Burton

"I LEAN IN when I'm talking to somebody...I want to know more about you...I engage people, it leads them to reciprocate." -Robin Roberts

Lagniappe (something extra). 

Lagniappe 2. What belongs in your sign war?