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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Sport: Finding Your Authentic Voice

"Voice is where sport and literature overlap creatively." - Ed Smith, "Making Decisions"

A player's authenticity arises from technical and creative skill. I watched a young guard methodically slice a defense with only hesitation, crossover, and combination. No behind-the-back, through-the-legs, inside out, spin dribble actions that all have merit. She perfected simplicity. She also must have disappeared into the private school network. 

Tension inhabits life's domains. In "The Master of Go" Kawabata notes, "From the way of Go, the beauty of Japan and the Orient had fled. Everything had become science and regulation." The old ways emphasized learning by doing, "the way of the playground." Now, it's Internet video, trainers, strength and conditioning coach, film study and psychologists.

The old way isn't necessarily better. But mastery evolves in different ways. Some guys thrived by throwing more. Now it's pitch counts. No one way works for everyone

You know the expression, "silent teams lose." Communication matters on and off the court. Study verbal and nonverbal communication methods. You've seen Finding Forrester, a basketball and 'buddy movie' starring Sean Connery and Rob Brown. There's a scene about "an unexpected gift at an unexpected time." Every day presents opportunity to share those unexpected gifts - a kind word, thanks, a knowing smile for friendship.

Time informs us what to know, how to teach better, and crafting good material and discarding 'rubbish'. We never "know everything" but we hope to know what will work for the group we have. As a player, leverage strengths and eliminate the fluff

Lagniappe. AI summary of themes from The Master of Go from ChatGPT
  1. The game of Go and its cultural significance in Japan: The novel revolves around the game of Go and the intense rivalry between two top-ranked players. The game is portrayed as a symbol of traditional Japanese culture and is used to explore themes of history, tradition, and national identity.

  2. The passing of tradition and the impact of change: The novel deals with the theme of the passing of tradition from one generation to the next and the challenges posed by modernity. The contrast between the veteran player and the young upstart symbolizes this theme, as the veteran is depicted as being rooted in tradition and the young player as being more open to change.

  3. The pursuit of excellence and personal honor: The intense competition between the two players is depicted as a test of their skill, endurance, and character. The novel explores the idea that the pursuit of excellence requires great personal sacrifice and can lead to a sense of fulfillment and personal honor.

  4. The complexities of human relationships: The novel delves into the complex relationships between the two players and the individuals around them. It explores themes of rivalry, friendship, and mutual respect, and the psychological motivations behind these relationships.

Overall, "Master of Go" is a deeply nuanced and psychologically rich novel that explores a wide range of themes, from the cultural significance of the game of Go to the complexities of human relationships and the impact of change.

Lagniappe. Find a workout partner for your wing workout.