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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Basketball: Whatever It Takes, Jumping*

* Cross-posted and revised from my volleyball site 

"The only place 'success' comes before 'work' is in the dictionary." Remember the improvement template:
  • Technique
  • Tactics
  • Physicality
  • Psychology
To jump higher, you don't need a lot of fancy equipment to get started. In the video, the "equipment" includes a jumprope, box jumps (a low wall could substitute), and a mat. 

"Winners are trackers." Track progress over time. The coach recommended that you track 'antenna touches'. Seek your personal best. That works for school, jobs, sports. 

Find your catch phrase, also part of sport psychology (parameter four) of your "performance statement." Make it personal. 

"Champions do extra." 
"I do the unrequired work." 
"Repetitions make reputations."
"Competence is the antidote for fear." 
"I don't cheat the drill."  

Coach Sonny Lane reminded us fifty years ago, "I'm pleased but I'm not satisfied."

Play some inspirational workout music in the background, whatever your playlist is.