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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Two Player Workout Actions to Consider

Find a workout partner and get after it. How?

No post can or will be comprehensive. Present ideas on how to make players better, which make teams better. "Every day is player development day." 

1. Warm up with Villanova Get 50 

2. Partner competitive shooting drills with rebounder

  • Elbow-to-elbow and elbow-to-sideline
  • Pitino quarters 
  • 251 (three-point shooting)
  • Shooting off 'screens' 

3. Drills with defense

  • Box drills 
  • Wing attack 
  • Live dribble attack (float dribble, negative step)
  • Post moves with defense

4. One-on-one 

  • Standard game to agreed number (e.g. 7, 11)
  • Initiate play from corners, wings, top, elbows, posts
  • Build in free throws after a set number of baskets, as each player takes three
"Winners are trackers." Track results. 
"Make practice hard so games are easy." 
"10-80-10." Top ten percenters drag teammates into the top 10%
"Champions do extra." - James Kerr, "Legacy"
"Repetitions make reputations." 

Lagniappe. I joke with Cecilia about expectations.