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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Salesman

Hall of Fame Coach Chuck Daly used to say, "I'm a salesman." And as coaches, we sell all the time.

"This is who we are." Organizational culture reflects the values and behaviors that define a group. Our culture embraces teamwork, the pursuit of quality, and accountability. Players should want to become not only a part of the group but lift up their peers within the group. 

"This is how we play." The system encompasses not only the style of play but all its preparation, details, and nuances. Matching the system to people adds value to both. 

Coaches sell the growth of the individual and the team. Development follows a willingness to share, to work hard, and implies collaboration...more than just passing the ball but working to make the organization measurably better. 

Teamwork allows groups to function at a level greater than the sum of the parts. Teamwork means doing your job in a way that allows everyone in the organization to do their job at a higher plane. We are naturally selfish but by working together we achieve more. 

The coach needs not only to sell but to monitor the buy-in. Participants buy in when they see value, both from tangible results (e.g. wins, statistics, recognition) but intangibles (satisfaction and happiness.)