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Monday, April 25, 2016

Summer Development - Two Minute Warning

My daughter Paula used to walk onto the court standing tall, head up, chest out, making a statement. "I want everyone in the building to know that I can play." We know that how we carry ourselves has neurochemical impact, as expansive posture raises testosterone and lowers cortisol (a stress hormone). 

People constantly judge us. They analyze our appearance, clothing, speech - including our nonverbal and verbal projection. How we appear depends our PASSION, PRACTICE, and PRESENCE. How does that affect summer workouts?

Coaches develop the total player. We build athleticism, skills, emotional and psychological resilience, game understanding, and teamwork. But we develop the person most. 

I have a small plan for players. During a rest period at practice, each player will (with advance notice) give one two-minute presentation on an aspect of basketball. This is an open book experience. They're not being graded. This is an opportunity for them to learn, to refine presentation skills, and to develop their public speaking. 

They might want to use elements from articles like this

I will randomly distribute topics that are sufficiently broad yet central to understanding basketball as a young player. Suggestions?