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Monday, December 30, 2019

Basketball: Fast Five - Deceive Your Opponent

"To move your enemy, entice him with something he is certain to take." - SunTzu

Sun Tzu believed that "all war is based on deception." Use misdirection, fakes, and deception to prosper. Deception belongs to both offense and defense. 

The mongoose uses deception, patience, a thick hide, lightning speed, and biochemical adaptation to overwhelm lethal enemies

1. A great fake is a joy forever. Slow down; entice the defender


2. A great shot fake is "a shot not taken." 

Kelly Olynyk is a master...eyes on the rim, slows down, and brings the ball to the top of his head

3. Slipping the pick...a screen fake. 

Zak Boisvert shares. Recognition and execution. The screener defender overplays and 'cheats' on the hedge/show...opening the slip. 

4. Defending the pick-and-roll. Do you teach show/hedge? Coach K uses the descriptive "fake trap." Keep it simple. Have easy terminology

5a. Defensive feints. Combine active and passive approaches. Stunt at a ballhandler or a post player after entry. This may force a mistake or unintended action. In a passive approach, "lie in the weeds" preparing to jump a passing lane. 

5b. Moving without the ball. "Change direction and change pace." Setting up your cut means misdirection.

Lagniappe: half court offense never gets boring
Lagniappe 2: "Don't be afraid of challenge and hardship as long as you persist."

Can't learn a play? How about 200 pages of scripture?