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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Basketball: Fast Five - Giving Back

Give back. It's good and feels good. Take a moment to remember all the people who helped us along the way. "Thanks is the cheapest form of compensation." - Robert Townsend

Jeff Goodby and Rich Silverstein share how creative director Margaret Johnson made the app Herstory, education about women's contributions to history.  

Do a Public Service Announcement

"Masks are cool." 
No, this kind of mask! Be a trendsetter.

Be open. Eastern cultures say, "Beginner's Mind." The beginner has an empty cup, ready to fill with new information. Help fill those minds.

Experienced practitioners of mindfulness are not hung up on position during meditation. Mindfulness doesn't favor any sect or politics. The video shares an exceptional summary. 

Have fresh eyes. Reassess our situation. What's working and what needs to go? To give well, examine how we give now.

Be in the consciousness of the community. Bring something real to the table. Mr. Rogers said, "look for the helpers." How can we help and whom can we bring in to help? Focus on giving help not getting credit. 

Share better. Be empathetic, understanding the feelings and needs of others, to help them grow and be resilient when struggling. Phil Jackson says, "basketball is sharing." Sharing and basketball are one. 

Say, "yes."  Leadership and sharing overlap. Selfish, arrogant leadership is no leadership at all. Own a legacy of sharing. 

Lagniappe: Shooting "star drill"
We run a variation of star drill. The first round is catch and shoot. The second is shot fake and one dribble right. The third is a sidestep dribble left into a shot. We make an exception for the corner, where the side dribble is always away from the baseline. Adjust the distance to the age and experience of the player.