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Saturday, December 25, 2021

“MacGyver” Basketball - Steal a Gift

Merry Christmas! 

Matching MacGyver's unconventional approaches challenges us all. But here are a few "innovations" old and new. 

1. Physical Training

  • Special forces 
  • Jump rope training (increased VO2max - oxygen utilization, the purest measure of fitness)

2. Drills 

  • Go sideways (shooting at the side of the backboard focuses on targeting)
  • Ball in the plastic bag 
  • Dribble tag (inside the arc, add constraints like non-dominant hand)
  • "Ladder" shooting. I duct taped a tennis racquet to a six foot step ladder and practiced shooting over that defender. 

3. Timeouts/Special situations (BOBs and SLOBs)

  • TO Organization - always lineup players left to right by position 1-2-3-4-5
  • Odd-even-zero (Doug Brotherton) plays are called according to time on the clock. E.g. the clock show 4:21 remaining, then the clock calls the "odd" play. Coach can override.

4. Football and basketball. 


5. Teaching 

  • Flashcards (supplement video) 
  • "Time out" during practice (Coach Knight). Diagram the play and then give players pen and paper and ask them to reproduce the play (assess attention and cognition)

6. Execute differently. Drag screen with the backside (Coach Obradovic) to get a better view of the court during the screen. 

7. Video (quiz) 

  • Show video and pause to ask players for a preferred option

8. Wheel of misfortune. Spin the wheel and ask a player to give a one-minute discussion on the topic. 

Lagniappe. What's the present I want to give this Christmas? I want to be the best sharer I can be or as long as I can. 

Lagniappe 2. Pocket pass plus.