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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Top Performers Discuss Rivals and a Pair of Shifty BOBs That Got Layups

Steal shamelessly from every source. MasterClass gives me a world of ideas. 

Steve Martin: 
  • "Love your rivals." We will always have them.
  • "Feed off them." If we don't, they'll eat our lunch. 
Steph Curry: 
  • "Competing with myself, not being complacent." 
  • "My opponent will look small...compared with my expectations."
Serena Williams:
  • Know your their weakness.
  • "Don't overhit to a weakness. Mix it up."
  • "Hit the ball to where your opponent is not." 
  • "Know your strengths." 
Garry Kasparov:
  • "Playing chess was not just about winning and losing."
  • "Make a's about coming up with new ideas, challenging your own excellence."
  • "Making mistakes was like physical pain...I no longer had that appetite for new ideas." 
Thomas Keller: 
  • It's the critical feedback that we learn from the most

Steve Martin:
  • "There's always work to be done." 
Lagniappe. Central Catholics girls ran a series of BOB actions out of the 1-4 low set. Both got layups in a single point victory. 

Aside from the "different actions from same set" theme, they worked because of urgent cutting.

Lagniappe 2. Master your GO TO and COUNTER actions.  

Lagniappe 3. We can't coach everything. Type II muscle fibers help generate speed and power. The ACTN3 gene helps regulate fast twitch muscle fiber function. 20-30% of the population has it and absence (18 percent of the population) has no accompanying disease. But only 3% of elite sprinters are deficient in both.