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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Player Development Wheel (18 Actions for Player Development)

Tuesday is innovation day. Every day is player development day. Separation and execution define extraordinary players


  • Become your own coach.
  • Build your own workouts
  • Practice with a partner.
  • Include skill building, conditioning, and combination drills.
  • Track progress. "Winners are trackers."

Urban Meyer taught a 10-80-10 distribution of players on a team. He demanded that top 10 percenters bring a partner to workouts to "drag" the middle class upward

Here's a "spinning wheel" of development options. 

References (drill descriptions and/or video):

Blind man pickup (practice picking up the ball off the dribble eyes closed)
One on one
Five minutes "closer" practice (game winning individual actions)
"Beat the Pro" a.k.a. Bill Bradley (not just stand still shooting) 
One dribble finishing from the arc (include side-step threes)
One dribble jumpers from triple threat
Get 50 (Villanova)

Lagniappe: when "diagnosing" a team or a player, look not only at what we see, but what we don't always see. What are some examples? 
  • Communication
  • Offensive and defensive organization, spacing and proximity (color on color)
  • Energy giving or energy taking
  • Toughness/ hustle plays
  • Ball movement
  • What is the frequency of pick-and-roll?
  • If there is pick-and-roll, is it ball handler or roller dominant? 
  • How effectively does the defense load to the ball? 
Lagniappe 2. Targeting...stay or go?