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Monday, May 16, 2022

Basketball: Marketing Won't Fix a Mediocre Product, "Obsess the Product"

Sara Blakely says, "obsess the product." Diane von Furstenberg reminds us to focus on the product, "what is it that makes it special and valuable?" 

Marketing is to product as tactics are to technique. Good marketing or strategy won't fix a mediocre product or deficient skill set. That doesn't mean that Xs and Os don't matter. Of course they do, especially for players and teams capable of good decision-making and execution. But don't put the marketing cart before the performance horse. 

With a roster of talented players with court vision, decision and execution skills, then Xs and Os water those flowers. But asking what offense is best for fifth or sixth graders with low skill asks what fertilizer is best for weeds. 

I don't bring any stone tablets. Make your own judgments. Ask players their TODAY PLAN to improve. 

Pound the table for player development. Determine which skills are player MUSTS for your program and implement SPECIFICS to growth them. 

  • Academic achievement...a default expectation. Learning skills play on and off the court. "There is no ability without eligibility." Teach study skills...Pomodoro Technique, spaced learning, self-testing Challenge every player to make the honor roll. 
  • Team skills... everyone can be a good teammate. These skills work at home, in the classroom, and on the job. We had one award, player voted, Best Teammate.
  • Impact does your contribution translate to winning? Publicly recognize role players who contribute to winning
  • Layups and shooting form... I like Herb Welling's idea of teaching layups without dribbling and then adding the dribble   Track progress. "Winners are trackers."
  • Defensive stance and positioning...defense begins with ball containment and gains from help (cover 1.5 your player and half of another) Get 3-7-2 (3 consecutive stops, 7 times a half, both halves)
  • Intangible skills...toughness is a skill, hard work is a skill, energy is a skill. Energy is a force multiplier. Challenge leaders and point guards to bring energy every day
  • Practice decision-making and situational basketball...lead by 1, thirty seconds to go with the ball...what will they do, what do we do? Great decisions start in practice
  • Respect. When coaches don't model respect for the game, officials, assistants, and players, players won't either.  Bring our best version daily.
  • Conditioning. I believe in conditioning within drills.  Set personal and team standards

Lagniappe: from

"I cause others to believe in me because I believe in them and in myself. 

This is my creed, my quest. 

To never stop striving for the top. To always keep moving forward. 

To always be the very best I can be. 

I am the power. I am the magic. I can not be stopped. I am a winner. 

I promise to always be true to myself … I am responsible for making a positive difference in the world and to the quality of life in it. 

I live in constant and never-ending improvement." 

NAPOLEON HILL, American author

Lagniappe 2. Player's not just what you do on the court that makes you a player. Our skills sum everything we do. 

  • Get 30 minutes more sleep per day
  • Clear your mind (mindfulness) for at least 5 minutes each day
  • Study successful people. Be curious. Be present.