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Saturday, August 20, 2022

On the Diagonal - Diagonal Screens That Score

Expect the unexpected. Basketball is a "game of separation." Diagonal screens provide deception and separation. 

Enter on the diagonal screen and create options on both sides of the court. If your 5 is good with the ball, you also set up a dribble attack. 

SLOB diagonal screen lob. If they switch, you still get a big on small mismatch. Having a good inbounder is always key. 

Corner rip action with the cross-screen to enter and continue on for a sequential screen which has proven hard to defend. 

Horns double cross rip...with cutters across followed by a diagonal screen for the initial screener. 

Iverson diagonal. Ideally this is run after having run a more typical Iverson action first. 

What key skills help these actions work?
  • Patience. Wait for the screen...say, "wait, wait, wait." 
  • Set up your cut. 
  • Urgent cutting. Many sets fail with lackadaisical cuts. 
Lagniappe. Players and coaches benefit from daily video study to find and crystallize ideas and attention to detail. Don't work on every move but find a handful to make yours to prosecute edges. When you excel at a few (e.g. hesis, crossovers, jab), learn to combine them explosively. 

Lagniappe 2. Quote from Dan Pink's book Drive - about Peter Drucker, thought leader who coined the term "knowledge worker." "With the rise of individual longevity and decline of job security, he argued, individuals have to think hard about where their strengths lie, what they can contribute, and how they can improve their individual performance." 

Approach the game as knowledge workers. Build skill to 'automate' more actions and free up working memory for creativity.