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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Basketball: Get More from Our Writing

Writing adds value for others and for us. Writing focuses our ability to think and to communicate clearly. Adam Grant's Think Again shares his wisdom. 

Here's a snippet from a recent thread by Grant. 

Our writing will never be perfect. But writing helps us improve. How we research, write, edit, and summarize reflects how we do everything. 

Tips collected:

  • "Do the unrequired work." Bare minimum effort achieves bare minimum results. Dan Pink reminds us to "do five more." In Legacy, James Kerr counsels us, "Champions do extra."
  • Copy investigative journalist Bob Woodward's informing at least SIX points worth sharing (highlighted).
  • Writing clears paths along the learning journey. Writing on paper is better as it imprints memories more effectively.  
  • If you share your thoughts, you expose yourself to criticism, which can be valid. But criticism often says more about the critic than the target. 
  • Ron Howard says, "the film is made in the editing room." Life is about revision. Yet we live forwards and are critiqued backwards. 
  • Writer Anne Lamott reminds us that "shitty first drafts" are the norm not the exception. Write it down. Fix it up
Lagniappe. Coach Hanlen demonstrates getting more separation on the ball screen.