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Saturday, July 8, 2023

Players , "Sweat the Small Stuff"

Work to behave at a level 'above' your age. Specifics matter. 

"Be professional." 

  • Be on time. 
  • Listen to your coaches. 
  • Make collaboration your brand. 
  • Show energy and energize teammates. 
  • Take care of your business in the classroom. 

Develop 'Atomic Habits'. Keystone habits like punctuality, preparation, and reading propel you forward. "You make your habits and your habits make you."

"Be aware of non-verbal communication." Strong eye conduct, a firm handshake, and sprinting on and off the court stand out. 

"Separate yourself with effort." Become the person that others point to and say, "that's how it's done." Be that guy. 

"Character is job one." You become the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time. Conversely, "if you lie down with dogs, you get fleas." 

"Lead." Model excellence. Speak greatness. Raise the dialogue around you. 

"Be excited to be here." Two minutes before a sixth grade tryout, a young girl approached saying, "Coach, I am really excited to be here." 

"Make the big time where you are." Prepare and practice for the next game as though it were the biggest game of your life. 

Lagniappe. "Now you see it, now you don't." Create. 

Lagniappe 2. Kobe fakes and finishes