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Friday, September 22, 2023

Basketball: Developing Better Habits

"We make our habits and our habits make us." 

James Clear, author of "Atomic Habits" has become the King of Habits. Whether through his book or his MasterClass, he helps us improve our habits. Nick Saban might say that we're working to invest more time and spend less. Do more of what must be done and less of what shouldn't be.  

Incremental gains, that one percent more, drive long term progress. 

First, examine some truths.

"Champions do extra." - James Kerr, Legacy

"Do five more." - Dan Pink, influencer

"Do the unrequired work." Kevin Eastman, basketball coach and author

Share stories, some you know, others you don't. 

  • Larry Bird shot 500 free throws before school.
  • Kobe Bryant took 1,000 jump shots a day in the offseason.
  • Isiah Thomas played for eight hours a day on Chicago playgrounds.
  • Bill Bradley, from age 12, practiced 3 hours a weekday and all day Saturday. 
  • Abraham Lincoln walked miles to borrow books to read. 
  • He cut a road through an Indian mountain with a hammer and chisel.

Clear reminds us that our actions 'vote' for the person we want to become. 

Imagine we want to exercise more. How do we apply the habit cycle? 

Cue - Set our alarm for noon. Have workout gear with us.

Craving - know that exercise releases endorphins, feel good chemicals.

Response - Do our workout.

Reward - Have more energy, better weight, better mood and sleep. 

Consider the emotional correlates. When I was 'cross-training' from the Navy in the Walter Reed ICU, the doctors (at least more senior ones) were expected to run at lunch. 

Obvious - The corpsmen reminded me. "Gotta run at lunch, Doc."

Attractive - A concrete border surrounded the hospital, perfect for running and there were plenty of others out running. Sometimes the staff guys would invite me on their five mile run. 

Easy - Bring workout gear with you. There was also a shower which made cleaning up before resuming work easy. 

Satisfying - The Army set a fitness 'expectation' and also promoted closer relationship between their Medical Department and Operational Forces. Exercising met Army culture expectation and showed commitment to mission readiness. 

Figure out how to apply the habit cycle to your training and practices. 

Lagniappe. Slip, sliding away. 

Lagniappe 2. What great players do.