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Friday, September 1, 2023

Basketball: Tug of War Over the Little Things

Coach Wooden preached, "little things make big things happen." Meanwhile, a popular book argued "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff."  

Kat Cole was CEO of Cinnabon. The question arose about reducing calories in the fabulous pastry. Ultimately, the winning decision was making the Mini-Bon. Don't sacrifice taste. 

A local family had a water bill in the thousands. While they were away, they had a plumbing failure. One alternative is to shut down the water main if you're going away. A small intervention potentially saves thousands. 

Everyone is different. Don't 'tolerate' teammates; embrace them. 

Being 'detail-oriented' changes outcomes in every game. Share your examples:
  • "Spacing is offense and offense is spacing." Example, never cut to an occupied post.
  • Cut urgently...simple and vital advice.
  • Attack the front foot/hand. Read your defender.
  • Make sleep a priority. Studies show more sleep improves performance. 
  • Talk. "Silent teams lose." A few words, "help left" or "pick right" can stop offenses.
  • Run the numbers. 372. Three consecutive stops, seven times a half, two halves. Do that and become unbeatable.
  • Everyone can lead. Be punctual. Never be a distraction. 
  • Represent. Your behavior as a player, in the classroom and off the court impacts every one of your teammates. 
  • One more. One more pass, one more rebound, one more charge taken changes defeat into victory. 
  • Tell a player or your team, "I believe in you." 
What "little things" will make big things happen for you? 


Lagniappe 2. Finishing through contact.