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Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Basketball: All the Small Things

"Don't sweat the small stuff." If it impacts winning, then it's not small. Maybe overlooked stuff should count as small stuff. 

Examine what players and teams may miss. 

1. Court conditions. Are there asymmetrical boundaries, dead spots on the floor, variable lighting conditions that might matter? 

2. Helping your teammates. What's the level of communication, moving without the ball, and defensive rotation (help and recover)? 

3. Urgent cutting. "Movement kills defense" and sluggish movement doesn't. 

4. Undisciplined fouling. "Fouling negates hustle." 

5. Energizing teammates. Some players have an unusual capacity to motivate themselves and others. We need them on our teams.

6. Hustle plays. Coaches see everything. Set great screens, fight around them, read screens, hit the floor, get deflections, and take charges. All show up on the scoreboard but not in the scorebook. 

7. Practicing hard. Practicing hard makes a player and teammates better. Like an iceberg below the waterline, most people will never see it. 

8. Touching, as in high fives, daps, and head taps. Teams that touch win more. File under supporting teammates and nonverbal communication. 

9. Avoiding distraction. "Never be a distraction." Be on time. Be ready to go. Know your role. 

10.Being coachable. Listen and give consistent effort. No eyerolls, dismissive gestures, or sulking. 

Lagniappe. Tough love. 
Lagniappe 2. Use hard-to-defend actions. 
Post by @ryanpannone
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