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Monday, November 13, 2023

Basketball: Coachability

First, Mike Lombardi discusses coachability. "Being open to coaching is wonderful, but it doesn’t make you coachable. Only when you actively seek out coaching do you become coachable."

Coaches don't talk to hear ourselves think. 

My idea of the qualities of the coachable player:

Translate lessons into action. When we tell a player not to save a ball under the basket in their defensive end, we expect that to resonate. Concepts we share with one player apply to everyone. 

Listen. The best hunger for improvement, whether adding to their game or revising. That's especially true for shot selection and foul reduction, both of which translate directly into points among the Four Factors. For example, stop taking contested "tweener" shots in-between layups and floaters. And stop slapping down to block shots. If it 'looks like a foul' expect a foul. "Fouling negates hustle." 

Embrace don'ts. Knight's The Power of Negative Thinking makes great points. "Basketball is a game of mistakes." Turnovers, violations, and missed assignments cancel preparation and practice. 

Sleep on it. Care for your 'machine'. Proper sleep (ideally a minimum of eight hours), good nutrition, and considering staying off cellphones on game day may improve performance. 

360 degree evaluation. Coachable players understand that all actions on and off the court impact the team. Never be a distraction. A 360 degree evaluation takes input from superiors, peers, and subordinates. Don't bigfoot subordinates. Never kiss up and kick down. 

  • Be a model teammate...on time, ready to go. 
  • Never embarrass the team through your actions. 
  • Take care of business at home and school. If you can learn basketball, you can learn high school math and history. 
  • Don't leave your scent on everyone around you. 
  • Raise everyone around you to a higher level. 
Lagniappe. This NBA SLOB feels 'flexish' 

Lagniappe 2. Food for thought. 

Post by @mindset.unchained
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