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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Izzo Zone Quick Hitters

Tom Izzo is one of the great regular and postseason coaches in college basketball. He shares some of his zone offense approaches. We spend the "lion's share" of our zone offense efforts on shooting because it makes no difference what you do if you can't make shots. 

First, a set offense for a quick hitter for the point guard or the high post person. It uses ball reversal and a screen on the low defender. 

This is self-explanatory with coaching choice on whom the play is designed for. 

In this video, he shares additional concepts with a lot of motion and screening.

Here's his base 'Horns' zone set. 

This is my favorite Izzo zone attack. I apologize that I couldn't find video this morning for it. The dribbler moves the zone and then the 'bigs' X screen the defenders to establish a middle attack with shot or tight pick-and-roll options. 3 relocates for possible penetrate and dish. We're too young to run this stuff right hardly ever but I will show them some of it tonight. Simple is better for young players.