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Friday, July 22, 2016

Core Concept: Screen the Screener

"Never confuse activity with achievement." - John Wooden

Having an offensive philosophy includes both core understanding of the game and an openness to the possibilities of player and ball movement. "Good offense creates separation and open shots." Great offense excels at spacing, cutting, screening, and passing.

Screen the screener action challenges defenses to cope with player movement via screening and cutting, opening up mismatches and shots. 

Often devastating BOB with STS action. 

"Set a screen, get a screen" a.k.a. "set one, get one." Flex action invariably creates open shots and can be run out of different sets, as Wes Kosel shows here

 Simple Box Lob

SLOB into game winner 3. 

Everything looks simple until execution - waiting, setting up cuts, cutting aggressively, and shotmaking come into play. But players must understand the power of teamwork and imagination to create great scoring chances.