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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Can You Improve Your Court Vision? VDE

"Sometimes you can observe a lot by just watching." - Yogi Berra  

Preach, decision, execution. If you can't see it, there's no decision. When you decide wrong, execution approaches impossible. 

Bill Bradley worked on improving his peripheral vision...seeing what is there but 'unseen'. 

Awareness matters. Knowing what to look for increases your vision. If a defender is playing 'high', you and your teammate should be looking for backcuts. If a defender plays low, then seek front (face) cuts. If your defender is a head turner, then find them losing vision. If you intend to cut, know that the passer can see you. 

"Eyes up." My assistant, Victoria, regularly reminds players to keep their eyes up. As a young player, I put masking tape on the bottom of my eyeglasses. 

Remind players to watch more than the ball when they're watching a game. Watch how individual players and teams get (and deny) separation (with or without the ball). 

Many of us are "visual learners", so we can combine instruction with images and also walk-throughs. 

Vision sometimes starts with "chunking" information. 

Chess masters see patterns, information arranged in familiar chunks. Players combine VDE to create high quality chances. 

Ideas become possibilities and then actions. Some elite programs use IntelliGym to enhance players' cognitive performance. The technology is similar to Asteroids

Vision can turn into deception with misdirection. 

Advanced technology and a strong will to improve can result in measurable enhancement of cognitive basketball performance. VDE.