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Thursday, August 20, 2015


You coach and play basketball the way you live. Commitment, preparation, study, reassessment, and change lead to your reality - "decisions determine destiny."

You control very little in life - your attitude, choices, and effort. We cannot control many situations, but we choose how we react to them.

"Excellence then is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle

"Success leaves footprints." - Kevin Eastman

Passion derives from the Latin "passionem" meaning suffering.

Education is about changing behavior. Good players want praise. Great players want criticism so they can become better.

"Basketball is sharing." - Phil Jackson

The basketball court is my laboratory, a crucible where ideas can translate into excellence.

"Never be a child's last coach."

Respect is earned, not entitled. Fairness IS an entitlement.

"Players don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."