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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Ten Cardinal Rules: Different Disciplines, Shared Principles

Excellence overlaps among most fields. Dr. Ari Kiev wrote "Trading to Win" and lists Ten Cardinal Rules. Ask yourself what we must do to fulfill the rules. 

I will summarize the essence of each. 

1. Perform well under pressure. (Pressure degrades performance.) 

2. Think independently and unconventionally. Conventional approaches yield ordinary results. 

3. Control emotions and maintain objectivity. 

4. Don't rely on hope (act). "The magic is in the work." 

5. Work on continuous improvement. This demands coaching. Practice excellence for the sake of excellence. 

6. Modify your normal responses (if it ain't working, change). 

7. Some problems occur because of our own failed behaviors. (Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.) Do more of what works and less of what doesn't. 

8. Focus on solutions not problems. Ego and independence can stand in the way of finding solutions. 

9. The complexity of competition and your personality must be accounted for in pursuit of mastery. Blend authenticity and simplicity when possible. 

10.Develop the right attitudes, habits, and beliefs necessary to succeed. "In order to play at a maximum level, you have to let go of your ego and your need to have things your way."