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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Repost (Updated): Baggage

We all carry baggage. We might carry baggage from our childhood, relationships, failure, and success. How can success deposit baggage? The classic is Hoosiers, where Coach Dale wants to run the "picket fence" instead of putting the ball in the hands of his star. 

We may "play it safe" because aggressiveness led to failure in the past. Baggage weighs us down when it interferes with 'doing the right thing.' I know a physician who shared that his surgeon father called it a bad day when he didn't make two nurses cry. 

Marcus Smart determined to overcome childhood baggage. Marcus' friend A.J. Luckey remarked, "I never saw him go half speed on anything; even during drills that weren't meaningful."

But we can learn. I had a patient almost twenty-five years ago who told me during a followup appointment that I didn't seem worried about her cold. That taught me that a patient's "minor" illness isn't minor to them. She sacrificed her time (and money) to see me about her concern. I still care for her today. 

Here's the 'original' Baggage piece...including Nick Saban borrowing from Bo Schembechler. Saban owns "perfectionist" baggage from his childhood. 

"Don't feed the monsters;" let go of our baggage. 

Bonus: "Game Winner" SLOB 'give and go' with options.