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Sunday, November 10, 2019

Basketball: Personal Favorite Blog Posts

There's no accounting for taste. 

The General Who Never Lost (It began with relationships.)

Good Ideas Are Sticky (Focus on big ideas.)

Don Kelbick Clinical Pearls (Common sense approach)

Alcohol and the Adolescent Brain (I am sad when players selfishly abuse alcohol.)

Must Need Want (Bill Parcells via Mike Lombardi)

More on Tryouts: We Are Always Being Judged (It's always showtime.)

What Should Youth Basketball Look Like? (Connect with other players, other families.)

Look for the Helpers (Stop the overemphasis on the individual.)

Define Your Character (What would your better self be? Do the work.)

On Reading (Readers live longer, with better mental health and income.)

What's the last book you read? (The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho)
What are you reading now? (Tribe of Mentors, Tim Ferriss)
and Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek.


The median salary in the WNBA is about $72,000, not bad. But if you're not in the WNBA, success corresponds with reading. "Fast Company found that the most successful people obsessively pour over the autobiographies of other successful individuals to look for guidance, find inspiration, and get motivated."

Lagniappe 2: Leaders are nothing without followers. Who are your followers?

Good leadership requires good followers. Leaders make leaders. David Cottrell writes, "people don't quit jobs; they quit people." . Leaders turn know that into know how. Leaders model a granular experience. The surest sign of decline is lack of interest in a program.