Understand what opponents want to do. If we can't stop it, limit it.
- Take away layups, uncontested threes, bad fouls yielding free throws.
- Take care of the ball against pressure. Turnovers kill offense.
Have better quality offensive possessions. Be hard to play against.
- "Movement kills defenses." "The ball is a camera." "Fall in love with easy shots."
- Quality shots are beautiful. "It's not your shot, it's our shot."
- Emphasize hard to defend actions - pick-and-roll, pass-and-cut, mismatches.
- Take advantage of special situations (BOBs and SLOBs)
Practice what you believe in. Ball movement beats pressure. Too many players don't see while dribbling. Practice "advantage-disadvantage" (5 vs 7) with no dribbling. Force cut and pass basketball.
- Edit out what isn't working.
- Take away opponent "go to" actions.
- Value the ball.
- "Fall in love with easy shots."
- Practice core values.
Lagniappe: Rule Number 6
His aide screamed, "Rule Number 6" calming down the Prime Minister. His colleague asked, "What's Rule Number 6?" "Don't take yourself so g__damn seriously." "And what are the other rules?" "There aren't any." (adapted from Zander and Zander, The Art of Possibility)
Lagniappe 2: Don't make assumptions.
Lagniappe 3: Dusting off the playbook
Iverson cut backscreen
Wing ball screen with weak side action
We run numerous SLOB actions off the zipper cut. Get everyone involved.