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Friday, February 28, 2020

Basketball: What Defines You? Be Amazing with Escape Velocity

Stand out. Make everyone remember you. Let your play reveal your character; don't be a character. 

Define your role - effort, skill, and persistence. Most players at EVERY level are role players. Win your role. 

It won't always go your way. In his MasterClass, RuPaul shares that many people trap themselves in anger, cynicism, and bitterness, unable to move forward to a state of joy. When life doesn't go well, they remain in a vortex of misery. Exceptional performers escape the negative; they find escape velocity. 

What is your job? Scorer, stopper, screener, passer? If you're on the bench, study the opposing team and the individual players. Do they emphasize dribble penetration, pass and cut, the screen game, perimeter shooting? If they press, is it man or zone and where are the openings? Be ready for your time.

Be amazing in preparation, at practice, on the bench, as a teammate. 

Be That Girl


- Stand out. 
- Star in your role.
- Escape anger, bitterness, and cynicism. 
- Study your opponent to do your job well. 
- Be an amazing teammate. 
Lagniappe: Fence series (BOBs) 

The key is for the 5 to read her defender. 

Always remember that the screener is the second cutter

Lagniappe 2: Don't settle for mediocre shots. Shot quality leads to score quantity. 

Lagniappe 3: Tattoo Wisdom

Sommelier Richard Betts is a tattoo fanatic, including the letter B. It doesn't stand for Betts. It reminds him, "Be kind, be thoughtful, don't be a jerk."

Lagniappe 4: Chess lesson from Garry Kasparov (MasterClass)

Do you have a trick up your sleeve for the endgame?

UCLA cut into middle PnR !