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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Basketball: Friday 1-3-1 Episode 8 (Drill, Concepts, Play). Conditioning Tests and More

It's a day late but improved. Learn by reading and studying both inside and outside our domains. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. It won't always be the most informative. 

Some coaches say we shouldn't scrimmage too much. JVG and Jim Crutchfield probably would argue the opposite.  

You're here because of basketball but your knowledge outside of basketball may provide sustainable competitive advantage. 

Friday 1-3-1 (drill, concepts, play) asks us to think beyond our horizons and outside the box. 

Drill. I'll call this HER MAJESTY as a competitive shooting drill for the girls I coach. There are three lines and the shooter shoots, gets the rebound and passes to the next line (counterclockwise). Making the shot allows for efficient rebounding and more shots. Play the game to 21 or over a set time with the high scorer winning. 

Concepts. Conditioning is vital in a sprinting game. What determines fitness? 
The purest measure of fitness is the VO2max, maximal oxygen consumption. We measure this by collecting expired gas during exercise on a cycle or a treadmill. The higher the value, the more exercising muscles are using oxygen breathed in and delivered via the circulation (heart and blood vessels). 

The highest performances have largely been among distance runners, cyclists, and cross-country skiers. A Serbian study showed that guards had higher VO2max than centers. Small number of participants and low VO2max compared with other studies would be criticisms. 

High fitness correlates with low cardiovascular risk. A practical aerobic fitness test is reproducible and passing corresponds to game fitness. 

Here are several reproducible fitness tests. 

1. Easy (Laps). In high school soccer, we could "place out" of additional conditioning by running two laps around the soccer field in under 1:50 at the END of practice. 

The "pitch" was around 100 yards by 55 yards, so two laps is 620 yards (a third of a mile is 1760/3 yards). That's about a five minute mile pace after practice, combining a modicum of speed and indurance. 

2. Harder (Cooper 12 minute run). Ken Cooper studied exercise in Air Force officers. He found that a 12 minute run correlated about 90 percent with complex exercise testing. Subjects can run on a track or a treadmill and 

Calculate the VO2max from distance run (above) or use a "normative" table (below). 

3. Hardest. Lee Rose trained and measured players using 220 yard sprints. Guards, forwards, and centers would go off at 1 minute intervals with the expectation of completing each "set" at under 40 seconds (after training). They would have about two minutes recovery time before repeating. You can make it more competitive by adding the total individual time for each set. 

4. Over the top. The Celtics run what is known as the "Boston Marathon," three minutes of 94 foot sprints up and down the court. Delonte West is the record holder, although legend has it that he set the record BEFORE a practice

Do not try to reproduce these results without medical supervision. 

Play. This simple action creates a give-and-go from the corner. 

Lagniappe:  beautiful action shared from @BBallImmersion (Chris Oliver)
Lagniappe 2: Lee Rose's Winning Basketball Fundamentals is an underrated text. He starts with his six core principles - 

1. Conditioning.
2. Play hard. 
3. Play smart. 
4. Execute the plan. 
5. Unselfishness (play together). 
6. Maximize strengths and minimize weaknesses.