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Sunday, June 28, 2020

Basketball: The Mess Is Your Message (Robin Roberts)

Our message defines us. A parent attended the introductory session with the coach, asked, "what is your philosophy?" The coach answered, "I don't have one." The parent knew problems lay ahead.

In her MasterClass, Robin Roberts discusses communication, the need for authenticity and clear messaging.  

What is our message? How do our priorities reflect the message? Every coach has a different message, just as each has a unique personality. If the coaching message conflicts with the expectations of the group or individuals, address it early.

Share powerful messages:

"Excellence is our only agenda." - Anson Dorrance, UNC Women's Soccer Coach, 23 National Championships

"Do your job." - Bill Belichick, 6 Super Bowl Titles as Head Coach, 2 as Coordinator

"Be the change that you want to see in the world." - Gandhi

"Basketball is sharing." - Phil Jackson

"We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are." - Max Depree

"LATTE." - Starbucks (Listen, acknowledge, thank the customer, take care of it, share.)

"FAA" "Focus and act aggressively." - Bob Woodward, Investigative Journalist

"Never be a child's last coach."

"Everyone can't be a great player. Everyone can be a great teammate."

“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.” - James Clear

Our playing experience reveals many different coaching styles and substances.  Coaches tend to be "task-oriented" or "relationship-oriented" but nobody succeeds without elements of both.

The people that our players become are our greatest contribution. 

Lagniappe: Separate yourself when nobody is watching.