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Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Basketball: Unappreciated, Three Factors That Define Outcomes

What matters in the shadows? Everyone agrees on the need for talented players, good technique, and consistent execution. 

What unappreciated factors (aside from recruiting) separate the best programs and teams from the also-rans? How can we shine the light on tho factors? Remember the Buffett 25-5 rule. Start with a big list and focus on your absolutes...mine the unappreciated...that yield Newell's "more and better shots than the opponent." 

My first two relate to possession. When we don't pass or rebound well, we have few quality possessions. 

Passing. "The quality of the pass leads to the quality of the shot." - Pete Carril  

Rebounding. Little is more frustrating, live or on film, than watching a team helpless on the boards. Fifty percent of offensive rebounds lead to points and eighty percent of second offensive rebounds do. Defensive rebounding is about positioning and toughness. Anticipation and aggressiveness define offensive rebounding prowess. 

Decisions. Every offensive and defensive possession sums a myriad of decisions. And each decision is measured by the read and the execution. 

Shot selection isn't on the list because it's among the top of appreciated and is at the core of decisions. Dean Smith talked about coaching execution not effort, because effort is a given. Similarly, defensive awareness, because post-season and better teams don't 'give' points away. 

Zak Boisvert reminded us that turnovers sum decisions and skill. 

Fouling is a decision. Kevin Sivils says, "foul for profit." Bad teams commit more bad fouls, fouling perimeter shots and threes, fouling bad shots, "double down" by frustration fouls after initial mistakes, and out of position fouls.  
Time will reveal whether the biggest impact of the pandemic is not on skill but on decision-making.
Lagniappe: Want what you get. Did you watch the Bruce Lee "30 for 30?" 
Lagniappe 2: Zone offense corner give-and-go 

Steve Relihan (34) draws 2 defenders and a beautiful give-and-go action ensues after a pass to John Pacillo (24).