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Friday, August 6, 2021

Basketball: Cast the Best Actor and 3 + 2 > 5

"Cast the best actor." - Mira Nair (Director, Queen of Katwe)

Basketball Friday presents concepts, a drill, and a set play.

Put the best combination of players on the floor. Why would we not? At the developmental level with relatively even playing time, I want a ball handler, two scorers, and two rebounders on the floor. That might be two girls. And if we have several girls who lack physicality, I avoid playing them together. "The game honors toughness." 

As coaches, we find canvases for others to paint on. And we develop our own palette to create art. We are the keepers of the story

Hall of Famer Tom Heinsohn was an accomplished watercolor artist as well as being enshrined as both an NBA player and coach. 

Train players to contribute early (e.g. varsity freshmen). Make players antifragile, raising their compete level. That unsettles existing varsity players and parents. When a young player kicks the door down, egos get bruised. Sport is a meritocracy not a seniority system. 

"It's not rocket science." At the varsity level, to have a team that goes deep in the postseason, you need at least two ball handlers, three scorers, and two dynamite rebounders. Again, you might get all from three players. 

And as Coach Knight says, "shooters shoot, passers pass, and everyone plays defense." If we surround key offensive players with defensive stoppers at both a guard and frontcourt position, then we pressure opponents who won't have their three scorers. I call that 3 + 2 > 5. Grow the defensive stalwarts into competent offensive players, we've got something special. 

In pursuit of Banner 17, Celtics management noted the value of rebounding guards, ergo Rajon Rondo. 

Drill. "Frito Lay"... the girls love this drill. 

Each "turn" gets a player a layup and a free throw line jumper. A made shot gets one point. Game to 21 and always competitive...

Set play. Celtics ATO backscreen. Deception occurs with partial ball reversal and then a DHO morphs into a backscreen. 

Lagniappe (something extra). Everyone wants to get their shot off quicker. 

Lagniappe 2. Study mental models to think better.

Get exposure to top mental models and choose your favorites. 

Some of my favorite mental models:
  • Inversion (turn a problem inside out)
  • Circle of competence ("stay in our lane")
  • Occam's Razor (do not multiply things beyond necessity)
  • Probability (get the odds on our side)
  • Checklists