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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Coaching Ourselves Up Plus Quadruple Lagniappe (Extras)

Great coaching spreads leadership across an organization. It goes by different names - servant leadership, distributed leadership, culture. 

What elements belong?

1. B+  (Be positive). Positive energy makes positive people. Jon Gordon shares positivity lessons in The Positive Dog and The Energy Bus. 

2. Appreciate. Tip 1 - Shawn Achor's 21 day gratitude exercise. Write down three appreciation items at the end of each day. After three weeks, sixty-three gratitude statements assert themselves. Tip 2. Keep a "Jar of Awesome." Tip 3. Remember Don Meyer's five values - PUSH-T - passion, utility, servant leadership, humility, and thankfulness

Having many successful players moving on in life is a thrill. A good meatless meatball recipe can find its way in, too. 

3. Let it go. Have a short memory as in "don't sweat the small stuff." Or think about Ted Lasso's reminder to "be a goldfish" because a goldfish only has a 10 second memory. Goldfish carry no baggage. 

4. And then some. Do what's needed "and then some." Unrequired work separates ordinary and extraordinary. Do Dan Pink's "five more." Five more calls, five more minutes, five more pages. Add lagniappe (something extra). 

5. Have empathy. Put ourselves in the other person's shoes.

6. Build better habits. Do more of what works and less of what doesn't. As Walt Whitman wrote, "Be curious, not judgmental." Do more actions consistent with the person whom we want to become. Read more to get a broader world view. 

7. Become our better version. When surveys are done about the division of labor in a home, the total contributions of the wife and husband sum to about 130%. In our home, it's less, because my wife would probably say she does 90% and I do 10%. A better version would boost my contribution so we'd reach that 130%!

8. THINK before we speak. It's hard not to respond. Consider the THINK acronym - is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind? Everyone slips up, especially when we're under life and time pressures. Remember Lincoln's "hot letters" (never signed, never sent) and the 24-hour rule to hold fire. 

9. Help our teammate. Our family is our closest team. Step up and help more often and more willingly. We have teams at work, in our community, and of course in sports. Add value for teammates. "If you need something, let me know."

10. Share something great. Find small ways to spread more joy - a book, a movie, a song, a recipe. Here's an idea. Reread a great book and abandon bad ones. 

  • B+
  • Appreciate.
  • Let it go.
  • And then some...
  • Show empathy.
  • Build better habits. 
  • Become our better version.
  • Help our teammate.
  • Share something great. 

Lagniappe (something extra). "Every day is player development day." Study the footwork, the ball protection, reading the defender, balance, and the quickness into the shot. 

Lagniappe 2. The primacy of footwork. 

Lagniappe 3. A five step approach to decision-making 

1. Question... do I want this job?
2. Research... what are the benefits, risks, and input from others?
3. Apply... what will the intermediate steps and end state look like?
4. Implications... what second and third order consequences occur?
5. Invert... 'what's the other side of the trade?' 

Lagniappe 4. Offensive and defensive concepts from one of the best coaches in the world...the help and rotation are awesome