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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Basketball: Lessons of a Lifetime

Being the "same guy" every day, every year is never enough. Hold ourselves to the same standard as we hold players. Constant improvement is the expectation. "The magic is in the work." 

"Every day is player development day." Refine our routine to become a little better every day - reading, studying, exploring, watching video, studying the problems to find solutions. 

Why are we coaching? In his MasterClass, Thomas Keller explains he decided to become a chef when his mentor Roland Henin informed him that 'chefs cook to nurture people.

Sacrifice is unavoidable. Quality comes at a price. What price are we willing to pay?

Viktor Frankl shared how people could overcome any 'what' when they had enough 'why' in Man's Search for Meaning

Balance ambition and humility. Neil DeGrasse Tyson says, "The urge to feel special knows no bounds." Elite performers use elite habits and elite preparation to fuel performance in the moment. "We make our habits and our habits make us." 


  • The magic is in the work.
  • Every day is player development day. 
  • Chefs cook to nurture people. 
  • Be prepared to pay the price - sacrifice. 
  • We make our habits and our habits make us. 

Lagniappe (something extra). Lessons from UCONN practice. 

  • Culture
  • Talent 
  • Accountability 
"Every minute of every day they can't be anything less than great."