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Sunday, March 6, 2022

Playoff Preparation... Raise Our Game

In all design, we can't force our idea (e.g. play) onto players who cannot understand or execute. 

Success matches intent to skill, just as an engine is matched to a car. Multiple actions on the court aren't always what they look like on a play design. Ask players how they feel about the actions. They have to buy in. 

Players don't need to have a "granular" idea of everything in our head. For example, they don't need a list of "best BOB, SLOB, Man, Zone, and ATO" but we do. 

Teams need absolutes: distribute key ideas, confirm with feedback. 

  • Know keys to the game (3)
  • Be on the same page
  • Play to our strengths 
  • Target opposition players/actions
  • Be excited, not anxious. Enjoy the moment. 
There's no 'best' special situation action but here are a few:






Lagniappe 2. Player development. Don't have baskets of mediocre moves. Find a few that allow you to separate and finish. Remember the 2-2-2 rule... it takes 2 minutes to learn, 2 weeks to practice hard, and 2 months to show mastery.