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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Fast Five: Lists and Questions to Keep on Our Desks

Evolving landscapes challenge coaches. The situation always changes. Is our "North Star" winning or building habits and systems?

Stay on task with a few truths.

1. What does our team need now?

  • Monitor our team's vital signs. Captains and assistants are invaluable in this regard.
  • "Every day is player development day." Physical rest allows for video study and resilience training (mindfulness and sport psychology). 

2. The Four Agreements

  • Be impeccable with your word. (This includes positive self-talk.)
  • Don't take anything personally.
  • Don't make assumptions.
  • Always do your best.
3. The Leadership Moment event review by Michael Useem
  • What went well?
  • What went poorly?
  • What can we do better next time?
  • What are the enduring lessons? 
4. "Look for the helpers." - Mr. Rogers
5. Fight for our culture every day.
  • Purpose (greater than passion)
  • Unity
  • Servant leadership (build community)
  • Humility
  • Thankfulness (gratitude) 
Lagniappe. Gym rat? 

Lagniappe 2. We get what we earn.

Lagniappe 3. All reps are not created equal.