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Saturday, October 15, 2022

NBA Lingo: Sorting It Out - Chicago, Pistols, Ram, Elbow Get, Iverson

Actions for experienced, skilled professionals may fail miserably for young players. Fundamental skills come first. But train the skills needed to execute.

Every team needs to have a common language so everyone lives on the same page. 

Ability to execute matters most. Simple is almost always better. 

Chicago action/Zoom (pin down into a DHO)

Need more confusion? Then substitute your own name. Some teams call "Chicago Action" Zoom Action. Here's a link to examples

Pistols. "A three-man game early in the shot clock." Many options can happen.

  • Pass and give and go.
  • Wing sets screen for the ballhandler. 
  • Screen the screener action. 

If we wanted to implement, we could practice with 3-on-3 inside the split. 

Ram Screen (downscreen into a pick-and-roll)

Elbow get. Entry to the elbow with a screener for the elbow. Many options include shot, drive, roll pass. 

Iverson action. Iverson action uses a staggered screen to open a cutter and many secondary options arise.  

What's important is "we can't run what we can't run." Fundamentals and skill development should be the focus for younger players. A basketball coach and a basketball blogger shouldn't have the same priorities.