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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Basketball - "Too Much, Too Little"

"The movie is made in the editing room." - Ron Howard

"Do more of what works and less of what doesn't." 

Each of us has a stockpile of experience and knowledge. A treasury of knowledge without the ability to sort and apply it has less utility than limited knowledge well-deployed. KNOW THAT and KNOW HOW differ. 

Too much

  • Don't waste time. Time and efficiency are the first two items on Peter Drucker's Effective Executive list. 
  • "Don't major in the minors." Do we spend too much time on low yield activities? 
  • Toss outdated drills, actions, plays. "Kill your darlings."

Too little

  • Dedicate "Thinking time" being solution-focused.
  • Mindfulness (increases focus, memory, decreases stress)
  • Scrimmage? Consider SSGs (below). 
  • Video study (Believe the 'truth machine')

Improve our habits. Pick, stick, and check.

  • Write them down. Consider a public commitment. This is what we do.
  • Track them in a notebook or on a spreadsheet (portability)
  • Check progress at regular intervals. "Don't miss twice." 
Lagniappe (something extra). Thread on the benefits of SSG (small-sided games). It reinforces Fergus Connolly's structure of technical, technical, physical, and psychological benefits. 

What is our favorite type of small sided game? I liked 3 on 3 "quarter court" with a "split" constraint (see diagrams). We'd have SSGs going at both ends with a coach overseeing. Start possessions from various configurations. Nobody sits. Everyone gets to 'figure it out'.