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Friday, February 3, 2023

"E + R = O" Don't Just Look at the Right Side of the Equation

"E + R = O." Ohio State coach Urban Meyer wrote Above the Line. One of his concepts follows:

Event + Response = Outcome

Don't get caught "resulting," focusing on the right side of the equation. Physical and mental response at the desired event are your fuel.  

What your "today" plan? 

- What strength and conditioning is on your calendar? 

- What skills are you building today?

- How are you tracking your progress? 

You want the biggest event, States. "One-and-done" in the post-season will never satisfy us. 

You perform to the level of your training. Winning is a process, learning to win on the road and against good teams. Opportunity is there for you. 


  • Win with explosiveness 
  • Win with skill 
  • Win with craft

"What does he know about events?" I got a bite at the apple fifty years ago with two wins in Boston Garden and a basketball sectional title. My daughters helped put three sectional pelts on the horse in volleyball and two in basketball. Winning is hard. That makes it valuable. 

Team sports are about sharing - shared vision, shared sacrifice, shared results. 

Lagniappe. Closeout drills.