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Monday, June 26, 2023

Basketball: Managers

We recently held our fiftieth high school reunion, including seniors who could attend. Two of these men were managers with important roles on the team. 

Our managers, John Hunneman and Andy Johnson, kept statistics and shot charts. Everyone knew what constituted a good shot for themselves and teammates. Buying, preparing, and distributing orange slices at halftime certainly ingratiated themselves to us, too. 

How do you see the managers' role? 

Coach John Wooden's book Practical Modern Basketball had three pages on the role of managers. Having great managers promotes team and practice efficiency. Here are a few highlights... he has many more tasks listed. 

"...players understand that the managers are to help aid them and the coaches, but are not to be their servants."

"Have the needed player equipment ready for them when they report to get dressed." 

"Have available the required number of properly inflated and clean basketballs, proper colored scrimmage shirts, towels, extra shoelaces, tape, scrimmage charts, spare whistles, free throw chart, and an extra piece of two of all practice gear." 

"Keep a daily free throw chart for the squad." 

"Know the practice schedule and be ready to help implement it." 

"Have two managers assigned to take care of the needs for practice of your opponent." (Home games)

"Make certain players know the time schedule."

"Make certain you leave the dressing room in excellent condition (road games)." 

Lagniappe. Work on finishing. It's the 'putting' of basketball.