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Saturday, June 24, 2023

Basketball: Your Shooting Workout

Own your shooting workout. First, watch the video.  

Obviously, most of us never had "The Gun" or maybe not even a rebounder. What's your critique? 

1. Whenever possible, have a partner. Shooting with a defender nearby changes everything.

2. The shooter's footwork, balance, and rhythm are admirable.

3. Varying shot type and location matter.

4. How many are 'enough'? Remember Dan Pink's advice, "Do five more." 

5. I believe in 'interrupted' free throws. Rarely does a shooter take even four consecutively in a game. Take three and intersperse either other shots or a couple of sprints to the sideline and back. 

6. Fatigue and pressure degrade performance. Most game shots come under those conditions, so build in 'fatigue' as part of your workout. 

7. What's your warmup? 
  • I've shown Jay Wright's "Get 50" ad nauseam. 
  • Steph Curry has a different warmup. 

  • Elden Campbell did something different. 

  • Find approaches that work for you. There's no 'gold standard' or workout that comes down on stone tablets. 

    There are a lot of other considerations:
    • How many shots do you take off the bounce? 
    • What about the window? "The bank is always open."
    • What about post ups? 
    • Remember YOUR 'go to' and 'counter' moves. 
    • Spend a few minutes on your 'closer' (game winner) actions if you have the 'closer' role
    • Spend a few minutes on 'emergency' shots... fallaways, off-balance, double-pump shot

    Lagniappe 2. Your idea of hard work is what? It's not at the intensity of elite players